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Bundesverfassungsgericht, Order 1 BvR 2656/18, 1 BvR 96/20, 1 BvR 78/20, 1 BvR 288/20, 1 BvR 96/20, 1 BvR 78/20

Date of judgement: 24 March 2021

Court: Federal Constitutional Court of Germany 

Citation(s): BVerfG, Order of the First Senate of 24 March 2021 – 1 BvR 2656/18 -, paras. 1-270

Short summary 

In its decision, the Federal Constitutional Court classified the German Climate Protection Act in its current form as violative of fundamental rights because it disproportionately shifts the burden of greenhouse gas reduction to future generations, thereby recognising for the first time the existence and violation of the intertemporal dimension of their civil rights. 

Summary by: Robert Los

Link to original judgement 

Click here to open the case in PDF format

Weight of decision 

The order bears immense weight in Germany as the judgement indirectly grants a right to future generations with regard to protection or relief from CO2 emissions and other climate changes. 

Key facts

The Federal Climate Change Act (Klimaschutzgesetz – KSG) was drafted in response to the need for greater climate action efforts. Its purpose is to afford protection against the effects of global climate change (§ 1 S.1), and as stated under § 1 S.3, the basis of the KSG is the obligation under the Paris Agreement as well as the commitment made by the Federal Republic of Germany to pursue the long-term goal of greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050. 

Greenhouse gas emissions must be gradually reduced by the target year 2030 by at least 55%, relative to 1990 levels (§ 3(1)). In conjunction with Annex 2, § 4(1) sets out the annual permissible emission levels for various sectors in line with the reduction quota for the target year 2030. Provisions applicable beyond 2030 are not contained in the KSG. Rather, § 4(6) provides that in the year 2025, the Federal Government must – by way of ordinances – set annually decreasing emission levels for periods following 2030.

In support of their constitutional claims, the complainants − some of whom live in Bangladesh and Nepal − relied primarily on constitutional duties of protection arising from Art. 2(2) of the German Constitution Grundgesetz (GG), and Art. 14(1) GG, as well as the a fundamental right to a future in accordance with human dignity, and the fundamental right to an ecological minimum standard of living (ökologisches Existenzminimum), which they derived from Art. 2(1) GG in conjunction with Art. 20a GG and from Art. 2(1) GG in conjunction with Art. 1(1) GG. 

With regard to future burdens arising from the obligations to reduce emissions in the periods following 2030 – described by the complainants as an “emergency stop” – they relied on fundamental freedoms more generally.

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Urgenda Foundation v. the State of the Netherlands 

Date: 20 December 2019 

Court: Supreme Court of the Netherlands 

Citation(s): ECLI:NL:HR:2019:2007 

Short summary  

The Supreme Court of the Netherlands held that the Dutch State was obliged to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by the end of 2020, compared to 1990 levels. This obligation stemmed from the Netherlands’ commitments under the European Convention on Human Rights, including Dutch citizens’ rights to life and respect for private and family life. 

Summary by: Clarrisa Burki

Link to Original Judgement

Click here to open the case in PDF format

Weight of decision  

The judgment was handed down by the Supreme Court of the Netherlands, the highest judicial body within that nation. It is binding within the Netherlands and compels the government to act. 

Key facts 

The Urgenda Foundation (“Urgenda”), a Dutch environmental group, brought an action to require the Dutch government to take measures to combat climate change. Urgenda based their action on the right to life and the right to a healthy environment. The European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) requires the State to protect these rights for their residents. Article 2 guarantees the right to life and Article 8 ensures the right to respect for private and family life. The European Court of Human Rights has held that the ECHR places an obligation on a State to act and take the appropriate measures when there is a real and immediate risk to people’s lives or welfare and when the State is aware of this. This obligation equally applies when it comes to wide-reaching environmental risks threatening large groups or the population as a whole even if these threats will only materialise over the long term. 

According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), each country is responsible for its own share of emissions; each state is therefore obliged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in proportion to its share of the responsibility. 

In this case, the State asserted that it is not for the courts to undertake the considerations required for a decision on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and that doing so would amount to an order to create legislation, violating the separation of powers. 

Previous instances  

In the District Court, Urgenda sought a court order to order the Netherlands to reduce its emission of greenhouse gasses such that, by the end of 2020, emissions would be reduced by 40% compared to 1990 levels. The District Court upheld the plaintiff’s claim in part and ordered the State to reduce emissions by at least 25% compared to 1990 by 2020.  

The District Court’s order was upheld by the Court of Appeal. 

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