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Refugee Appeal No. 76374

Date: 28 October 2009

Court: New Zealand Refugee Status Appeals Authority

Citation: Refugee Appeal No. 76374

Short summary  

A refugee applicant from Burma claimed to have a well-founded fear of persecution by her home government because of her involvement with groups adverse to the government’s interests and aiding cyclone victims. She was granted asylum in part due to her disaster relief assistance activity. 

Summary by: Lucas Robinson

Link to Original Judgement

Click here to open the case in PDF format

Weight of decision  

This decision holds moderate weight in New Zealand with respect to cases in which an individual is persecuted for their political opinion as expressed via assistance following a climate disaster.  

Key facts 

The applicant was a woman from Rangoon/Yangon, Burma/Myanmar with children. She was a self-employed businesswoman until she went to New Zealand. While in her home country, the applicant became part of the pro-democracy movement. She helped Buddhist monks communicate about the situation in Burma during the late 90s into the 2000s. She would arrange the meetings and help the monks get to the location of the meetings. The applicant was also tasked with exchanging money on the black market multiple times.  

When Burma was hit by Tropical Cyclone Nargis in 2008, the applicant had to get more money from the black market to buy food rations and other disaster relief materials. The applicant assisted in distributing the disaster relief materials. 

The applicant moved to New Zealand in late 2008 and began speaking with family through videochat. While in New Zealand, associates of the applicant were arrested and given harsh sentences for their political activities. Also, while taking to her sister on video-chat, the applicant learned the government was arresting people who helped with disaster relief and that the government was inquiring about her.  

Previous instances

 The applicant was denied refugee status at her initial hearing because of a lack of well-founded fear of persecution. 

Summary of holding

The main issues presented were: Does the appellant-applicant have a well-founded fear of being persecuted? And, if so, is that fear recognized under the Refugee Convention?  

The appeals court found that the applicant had a well-founded fear of persecution because of the documented unjust punishments of other members of groups she belonged to. In particular, the government’s demonstrated interest in the applicant, and the likelihood she would suffer an unjust arrest and punishment if returned home, constituted this well-founded fear. Further, the court found that the applicant’s political opinion – one ground for relief under the Convention – encompassed her actions in aiding disaster relief efforts. As such, the applicant was granted refugee status.

By failing to take all these factors into consideration, the Prefect disregarded Provision 11 in its decision to deport Mr. Sheel.  

Potential takeaways for future climate migration litigation 

  • This case involves an individual who feared return to her home because of state persecution of individuals who assisted in disaster relief. It therefore shows how a government’s response, or lack thereof, to a natural disaster can indirectly trigger a ground for refugee protection. 
  • The Burmese government actively rejected support from outside entities for disaster relief after the cyclone. The government then began to punish those who tried to provide disaster assistance themselves, opening the door for claims of political opinion persecution in the context of climate disasters.  
  • The appeals court did not address whether suffering from the cyclone itself, and the government’s lack of adequate response, might constitute persecution, but, as in other cases in the region, the answer likely would have been no under the Refugee Convention.